21 Days of Prayer
1/21/24 - Matthew 6:1-8 - A Right Heart
1/14/24 - TIME Missions - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Kris Anderson
1/7/24 - Psalm 85:1-8 - Send Us Your Revival
21 Days of Prayer
1/21/24 - Matthew 6:1-8 - A Right Heart
1/14/24 - TIME Missions - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Kris Anderson
1/7/24 - Psalm 85:1-8 - Send Us Your Revival
12/24/23 - John 1:1-5, 9-14 - IMMANUEL
12/17/23 - Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:21-25 - LOVE
12/10/23 - Isaiah 35:10, Luke 1:8-20 - JOY
12/3/23 - Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 2:8-14 - PEACE
11/26/23 - Isaiah 9:1-2, Luke 2:22-35 - HOPE
12/17/23 - Glory Christmas Service of Lights
12/15/23 - Glory KidMin & Glory/Isle EFC Teen Program
12/24/23 - John 1:1-5, 9-14 - IMMANUEL
12/17/23 - Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:21-25 - LOVE
12/10/23 - Isaiah 35:10, Luke 1:8-20 - JOY
12/3/23 - Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 2:8-14 - PEACE
11/26/23 - Isaiah 9:1-2, Luke 2:22-35 - HOPE
12/17/23 - Glory Christmas Service of Lights
12/15/23 - Glory KidMin & Glory/Isle EFC Teen Program
12/31/23 - Matthew 16:21-27 - Embracing the Cross - Brother Dave of Living Stone Ministry
11/19/23 - Psalm 118:1 - Being Thankful
11/15/23 - Thanksgiving Service
11/12/23 - Adult & Teen Challenge Central MN
11/19/23 - Psalm 118:1 - Being Thankful
11/15/23 - Thanksgiving Service
11/12/23 - Adult & Teen Challenge Central MN

11/5/23 - Acts 12:20-25 - God Gets the Glory
10/29/23 - Acts 12:1-19 - They Prayed Earnestly
10/22/23 - Acts 11:19-30 - The Extraordinary Through the Ordinary
10/15/23 - Acts 11:1-18 - Peter Responds to Criticism
9/17/23 - Acts 10:34-48 - Peter Brings The Gospel
9/10/23 - Acts 10:1-33 - Peter and Cornelius (Baptism Sunday!)
8/27/23 - Acts 9:32-43 - Healing in Jesus Name
8/20/23 - Acts 9:19-31 - Spiritual Physical Therapy
8/13/23 - Acts 9:1-19 - No Empty Seats
8/6/13 - Acts 8:26-40 - People Reach People
7/30/23 - Acts 8:9-25 - Heart of the Matter
7/23/23 - Acts 8:1-8 - Go and Sow
7/9/23 - Acts 7 - Seeing the Gospel Through Stephen's Eyes
7/2/23 - Acts 6:8-15 - There Will Be Opposition
6/25/23 - Acts 6:1-7 - Your Serve
6/4/23 - Acts 5:33-42 - You Can't Stop Us
5/28/23 - Acts 5:17-32 - Persevere
5/21/23 - Acts 5:12-16 - Healing for the Hurting
4/23/23 - Acts 5:1-11 - Fear the Lord and Fight Hypocrisy
4/16/23 - Acts 4:32-37 - Unity in Community
3/5/23 - Acts 4:23-31 - Speak with Boldness
2/12/23 - Acts 4:1-22 - We must speak
2/5/23 - Acts 3:17-26 - Repent to be refreshed
1/29/23 - Acts 3:1-16 - What I do have, I give to you
10/8/23 - Matthew 28:16-20 - Gotta Go Fishing!
10/1/23 - 2 Peter 3:17-18 - Get Growing
9/24/23 - Hebrew 10:19-25 - The Faithful Gather
9/3/23 - Stauter Family Missions to Glory Baptist in Eldoret, Kenya
7/16/23 - TIME Missions - Kris and Cindy Anderson
6/18/23 - No recording of this service.
6/11/23 - Father's Day - Ephesians 6:1-4 - Father Like Our Father
Missions Conference/Youth Sunday/Mother's Day
5/14/23 - 2 Timothy 1:1-5 - Influential Mom
5/7/23 - Missions Conference - Bruce and Julie - From Scattered to Gathered
4/30/23 - Missions Conference - Jon Wicklund - Trout Lake Camp
3/26/23 - Youth Sunday - Student led worship service!
3/12/23 - Worship update (Snow Day!)
11/5/23 - Acts 12:20-25 - God Gets the Glory
10/29/23 - Acts 12:1-19 - They Prayed Earnestly
10/22/23 - Acts 11:19-30 - The Extraordinary Through the Ordinary
10/15/23 - Acts 11:1-18 - Peter Responds to Criticism
9/17/23 - Acts 10:34-48 - Peter Brings The Gospel
9/10/23 - Acts 10:1-33 - Peter and Cornelius (Baptism Sunday!)
8/27/23 - Acts 9:32-43 - Healing in Jesus Name
8/20/23 - Acts 9:19-31 - Spiritual Physical Therapy
8/13/23 - Acts 9:1-19 - No Empty Seats
8/6/13 - Acts 8:26-40 - People Reach People
7/30/23 - Acts 8:9-25 - Heart of the Matter
7/23/23 - Acts 8:1-8 - Go and Sow
7/9/23 - Acts 7 - Seeing the Gospel Through Stephen's Eyes
7/2/23 - Acts 6:8-15 - There Will Be Opposition
6/25/23 - Acts 6:1-7 - Your Serve
6/4/23 - Acts 5:33-42 - You Can't Stop Us
5/28/23 - Acts 5:17-32 - Persevere
5/21/23 - Acts 5:12-16 - Healing for the Hurting
4/23/23 - Acts 5:1-11 - Fear the Lord and Fight Hypocrisy
4/16/23 - Acts 4:32-37 - Unity in Community
3/5/23 - Acts 4:23-31 - Speak with Boldness
2/12/23 - Acts 4:1-22 - We must speak
2/5/23 - Acts 3:17-26 - Repent to be refreshed
1/29/23 - Acts 3:1-16 - What I do have, I give to you
10/8/23 - Matthew 28:16-20 - Gotta Go Fishing!
10/1/23 - 2 Peter 3:17-18 - Get Growing
9/24/23 - Hebrew 10:19-25 - The Faithful Gather
9/3/23 - Stauter Family Missions to Glory Baptist in Eldoret, Kenya
7/16/23 - TIME Missions - Kris and Cindy Anderson
6/18/23 - No recording of this service.
6/11/23 - Father's Day - Ephesians 6:1-4 - Father Like Our Father
Missions Conference/Youth Sunday/Mother's Day
5/14/23 - 2 Timothy 1:1-5 - Influential Mom
5/7/23 - Missions Conference - Bruce and Julie - From Scattered to Gathered
4/30/23 - Missions Conference - Jon Wicklund - Trout Lake Camp
3/26/23 - Youth Sunday - Student led worship service!
3/12/23 - Worship update (Snow Day!)

The King Has Come!
4/9/23 - Easter/Resurrection Sunday - 1 Corinthians 6:14 - The Empty Tomb
4/2/23 - Palm Sunday - Lamentations 3:22-24 - Hope on a Hilltop
3/19/23 - Matthew 21:8-11 - Be the Donkey
4/9/23 - Easter/Resurrection Sunday - 1 Corinthians 6:14 - The Empty Tomb
4/2/23 - Palm Sunday - Lamentations 3:22-24 - Hope on a Hilltop
3/19/23 - Matthew 21:8-11 - Be the Donkey

21 Days of Prayer
1/22/23 - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Joy, Prayer, and Thanks
1/15/23 - Ephesians 6:18-20 - The Preeminence of Prayer
1/8/23 - 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 - Unanswered Prayer
3/12/23 - Snow day - Pastor Chris shares some thoughts
2/26/23 - Gideon's - Mat Nix - The Blessed Man
2/19/23 - Tim Johnson - Running the race ahead
1/1/23 - Ephesians 5:15-18 - A Great Year to Have a Great Year!
1/22/23 - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Joy, Prayer, and Thanks
1/15/23 - Ephesians 6:18-20 - The Preeminence of Prayer
1/8/23 - 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 - Unanswered Prayer
3/12/23 - Snow day - Pastor Chris shares some thoughts
2/26/23 - Gideon's - Mat Nix - The Blessed Man
2/19/23 - Tim Johnson - Running the race ahead
1/1/23 - Ephesians 5:15-18 - A Great Year to Have a Great Year!
The Cast of Christmas
12/25/22 - Matthew 1:18-25 - Immanuel and Savior
12/18/22 - Luke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds
12/11/22 - Luke 2:8-20 - Christmas with the Angels
12/4/22 - Isaiah 64:1 - Preparation and Expectation
12/25/22 - Matthew 1:18-25 - Immanuel and Savior
12/18/22 - Luke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds
12/11/22 - Luke 2:8-20 - Christmas with the Angels
12/4/22 - Isaiah 64:1 - Preparation and Expectation

Living On Mission - Acts
11/20/22 - Acts 2:42-43 - Devoted to One Another
11/6/22 - Acts 2:14-41 - The Church Begins
10/30/22 - Acts 2:1-13 - Power of the Holy Spirit
10/23/22 - Acts 1:12-26 - The Right Choice
10/17/22 - Acts 1:6-11 - Be My Witnesses
10/9/22 - Acts 1:1-5 - Living on Mission
11/20/22 - Acts 2:42-43 - Devoted to One Another
11/6/22 - Acts 2:14-41 - The Church Begins
10/30/22 - Acts 2:1-13 - Power of the Holy Spirit
10/23/22 - Acts 1:12-26 - The Right Choice
10/17/22 - Acts 1:6-11 - Be My Witnesses
10/9/22 - Acts 1:1-5 - Living on Mission

One Anothering
10/2/22 - Romans 15:1-6 - Bear With Me
9/25/22 - Galatians 6:1-5 - Carrying Burdens
9/18/22 - Romans 14:1-15:7 - Accept
9/11/22 - John 17:11, 20-23 - United
9/4/22 - 1 Corinthians 12:14-16 - Care
8/28/22 - Outdoor Baptism Service - Matthew 3:13-17 - A Step of Obedience
10/2/22 - Romans 15:1-6 - Bear With Me
9/25/22 - Galatians 6:1-5 - Carrying Burdens
9/18/22 - Romans 14:1-15:7 - Accept
9/11/22 - John 17:11, 20-23 - United
9/4/22 - 1 Corinthians 12:14-16 - Care
8/28/22 - Outdoor Baptism Service - Matthew 3:13-17 - A Step of Obedience

"The Big 10" - Ten Commandments
8/21-22 - Exodus 20:17 - I Want It All
8/14/22 - Exodus 20:16 - Truth Telling
7/31/22 - Exodus 20:15 - No Stealing
7/24/22 - Exodus 20:13 - No Adultery (rated PG)
7/17/22 - Exodus 20:13 - No Murder
7/10/22 - Exodus 20:12 - Honor at Home
7/3/22 - Exodus 20:8-11 - Remember to Rest
6/26/22 - Exodus 20:7 - Revere His Name
5/29/22 - Exodus 20:4-6 - No Idols
5/22/22 - Exodus 20:1-3 - God First
5/15/22 - Exodus 19:1-25 - The Ten Commandments
8/7/22 - Acts 2:38 - Baptism: Public Devotion
8/21-22 - Exodus 20:17 - I Want It All
8/14/22 - Exodus 20:16 - Truth Telling
7/31/22 - Exodus 20:15 - No Stealing
7/24/22 - Exodus 20:13 - No Adultery (rated PG)
7/17/22 - Exodus 20:13 - No Murder
7/10/22 - Exodus 20:12 - Honor at Home
7/3/22 - Exodus 20:8-11 - Remember to Rest
6/26/22 - Exodus 20:7 - Revere His Name
5/29/22 - Exodus 20:4-6 - No Idols
5/22/22 - Exodus 20:1-3 - God First
5/15/22 - Exodus 19:1-25 - The Ten Commandments
8/7/22 - Acts 2:38 - Baptism: Public Devotion